Sunday, August 9, 2009

6 Little Girls

I had Extended Teaching Care this morning at 11AM. I volunteer once a month and I just love it!

This morning I had 6 little girls and can I just say, being the mother of 3 little boys, I'm not used to little girls. First, they are so QUIET. They were calm and played together nicely. Nobody tried to build things just to knock them down as loud as possible.

Nobody picked up crayons and turned them into guns or swords or lightsabers.

It was an eye opening experience for me. I wouldn't trade my 3 boys for anything but it was a whole other world.

Tonight our Small Group will meet and try to wrap up the Lucado book, "Cure for the Common Life." I have really enjoyed this one.

I have to leave group early to do a Celebrate Recovery Presentation at the church for another Small Group. I love telling people about CR. Ever since Cardboard Testimonies there is a energy about CR and people wanting to know more about it. I find myself running into people in the grocery store who come up to me and say how cool that Sunday was and how much they felt God's presence. People I knew only well enough to nod to in the hallways are now are asking me how to get involved. Thank you, Father! It was my prayer from Day One that you take the stories on the cardboard and use them all for your glory and you did just that!

I start the new job August 17th and Colin goes back to daycare tomorrow. I have been blessed to spend the last few months home with him and although at the time I thought losing my job was the worst possible thing, it wasn't. God has humbled me to realize how much I was letting fly by me while I was tied up with my career. This new position is a pay cut and also not as many responsibilities and I am so glad.

Now I hear John and Colin heading in from the store so I'm off to make snacks for Small Group and to gather my thoughts for the presentation later tonight.

Nevermind...John apparently forgot his wallet...bless his heart...and he is having to head back to the store to pay for the items he had already put in his cart. He is so good natured to laugh at himself when he does something like that. I would be furious and let it cloud the rest of my afternoon. I'm blessed to have him as my husband and so thankful for all of the winding paths our lives took to get to this place.


momstheword said...

Yeah, little boys can be very noisy, lol! But wait till they're teens....the boys will quiet down and all those little girls will be squealing and laughing, hahaha.

Sherry Gann said...

Were you able to get Colin back in the same daycare? I'm so glad to hear your new job won't be quite so demanding. :)

Where are the beach pictures or stories? How was your trip?

Oh, and I'm not on facebook either. ;)

Jess said...

Hope you had a great trip!

It's awesome that God gave you some time to stay home and soak in your boys, and then provided what sounds like an amazing work opportunity. And over the summer to boot!

I never knew that crayons had lightsaber potential...!