Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When did I ever find the time?

I swear it seems like I had more time to get things done when I worked full time!

Colin keeps me on my toes. Our first adventure this week consisted of him getting into the pantry, finding a can of root beer and somehow puncturing it just enough for a fine spray to come out. By the time I got to him he had it up to his mouth, slurping up the root beer with a huge grin on his face. Had it not been also spraying onto my pantry door and the floor I HAD JUST MOPPED I would have grabbed the camera to capture that sweet face.

Mr. Man has also started climbing stairs so I purchased 2 baby gates yesterday to block off access to our upstairs and downstairs.

He just laid down for a quick morning nap so I have about an hour to get things done before we head out for our errands for the day.

The older two boys are in YMCA camp this week. Patrick is doing Waterpark Camp and hits a different water park every day. He is wiped out by the end. Josh is doing Wacky Science at the McWane Center everyday so he comes home with experiments galore.

Next week is VBS at church and I have 2 year olds so that should be a long but fun week.

Things to do in the next few weeks include getting the dogs bathed and groomed, getting new pictures of the boys, updating said pictures on my blog and working on summer reading lists with both older boys.

All in all just enjoying the first few days of summer with my boys.


Amber said...

I SO wish you had gotten a picture of the rootbeer tragedy!!! :)

Sherry Gann said...

I'm with Amber! Now that you're home, you need to get in the habit of keeping that camera within arms reach. :)