Tuesday, March 24, 2009

When God Gets Personal...With My Schedule

Notes from the sermon:

Luke 10:38--42

It is easy for your spiritual gifts to get in the way of your spiritual identity.

Ask yourself:

Who am I?
What have I bought into? What am I sold out to?
Who do I belong to?

Refer to the scripture above. Who was better prepared to worship the Savior? Martha or Mary?

How do we prepare for worship? Do we just go because it is Sunday and that is what you do on Sunday or do we really prepare ourselves for worship?

Until we understand what the most important thing in our life is we will never grow.

Accountability is painful, but it is necessary.

Priorities should be predetermined and followed through with discipline.

Steps to take:

Admit you are weak and need Christ's help.
Get some accountability.
Use a journal.
Start small. Commit to having focused prayer for 5 minutes each day.
Read the same passage for 5 minutes each day for 7 days straight.
Memorize 1 scripture per week. Imagine how many verses you will know in a year!
Write down the victories that come from being disciplined.

Salvation is found at the feet of Jesus...not in the kitchen. Mary was at the feet of the Master while Martha was busy doing things that HAD to be done in her mind.


Amber said...

Mary and Martha are very real to me. I have to constantly take inventory of which sister I am. It is easy for me to get totally wrapped up in my busy schedule.

Jennifer said...

your yard looks great!