Monday, February 16, 2009

Do I trust God?

Sure, we all say we do...but do I really trust him? With everything?

I know I trust him with my eternity...

But how about my occupation? Do I trust him enough to do whatever he points me toward?

How about my finances? Do I trust him enough to release all control of my money to whatever he leads me to?

My kids? Do I trust him enough to put their destiny completely in his matter what that might mean? No matter what they may have to go through?

How easy it is for me to tell people that I trust God with my salvation and my eternity but then I turn around and try to hang onto my kids or my finances or 100 other aspects of my life.

Why don't I trust him completely in these areas at times? Do I not believe in his promises? Do I not think he will take care of me? Do I not think he is good and all things work together for good for those who love him?

I woke up this morning at 3AM thinking about 3 particular finances and my kids. Do I really give them over completely to God or do I hold back part of the control on those things and think my way is better?

Do I only trust God with my soul but not my children? They are his to begin with...he's just entrusted me with them as their earthly parent. Do I trust him enough to give them back to him if that is his plan?

Do I trust him enough to give money away to those I feel led to give it to even though I don't see how my own finances will work if I do? He's good enough for me to trust with where I'll spend forever but not good enough for me to believe he'll take care of me?

I'm really evaluating how much I trust him and while it is scary it is also exciting to see these things revealed to me.

We had a great sermon about Jonah yesterday and I'm going to type up my notes from it either later today or tomorrow.

We are in the middle of a series entitled "When God Gets Personal" and it is making me think so much.

Yesterday's topic was: "When God Gets Personal With My Rebellion" Jonah 1-4.

More to come...right now there is a baby waking up that sounds none too pleased. :o)


Melissa said...

Love your post today. I can totally relate. Thanks for sharing your heart! Let me know if you'd like for me to come for the weekend in March and do a party while I'm there. Can't wait to see you! Have a good week!!

Love ya.

momstheword said...

Beautiful post. It's all about the control, I think. We don't want total control but we want to be "in the loop."

Sometimes we have ideas of how we think it should go, the path of least resistance and easiest for us!

That's why we give Him things and then findng ourselves taking it back in the same breath without even really realizing it sometimes.

When I am worrying over something, that's when I know that I am not really trusting Him to take care of it.

momstheword said...

I forgot to add that going to the hairdresser is one thing where I always hated to spend the money on. But I needed that haircut and I wasn't going to do it myself!

I finally went to one of those hairplaces where you can just walk in off the street (they are so much cheaper) and I felt better about paying the money as it was cheaper (half of what I was paying before).