Friday, January 9, 2009

Seeking Approval from People or God?

Just finished reading a good book all about whether we are seeking God's approval or the approval of people.

There was a section of questions that helped you decide where you fell in the spectrum that I found interesting.

1) Am I preoccupied with the opinion of others? For me, personally, not so much.

2) Do I confront corporately, but not personally? I'm in the middle on this one.

3) Do I become self-conscious, paranoid or intimidated easily? In the middle.

4) Am I defensive or antagonistic when I am criticized, rejected or corrected? YES

5) Do I have to retain control over others most of the time? DOUBLE YES.

6) Am I frequently nervous and does my nervousness lead to demonstrating nervous habits? No.

7) Do I exaggerate the facts or give partial information to improve my image? No.

8) Do I drop names so others will be impressed? No.

9) Do I have trouble being transparent and honest with people about my weaknesses, fearing they will think less of me if they know the truth about me? Nope.

10) Are my feelings easily hurt? Not easily hurt but when they are I tend to focus on it longer than I should.

11) Do I have difficulty serving others? No...I do believe I have a servant's heart on things.

12) Do I have difficulty allowing others to serve me? Yes. Absolutely.


Anonymous said...

Hey there.
Its been a few days since I've heard from you so I was just checking in! Hope everything/everyone is well =]

Kerren said...

HI there,

Thanks for your post on my blog..I am sorry to here that your baby has been ill...

I hope you don't have to get any more shots this week and that nasty ear infection clears up!