Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A few pictures...


Mrs B said...

You have beautiful children. I did go down and read a bit of your blog. I want you to know that I do forgive my husband and our relationship is so much better than it has ever been in the past 9 years. Saying that, I still don't know that I am glad the affair happened. Actually, I am not glad the affair happened. Maybe some day it will be, but I do know that God has used it to make the relationship between Him and I stronger. A lot of times it takes a devistating tragedy to make you change. I have always believed and loved God, but now He is my number 1. I know that my husband is not infallable, he may fail me again, but God will never leave me. Thanks for visiting...I am so glad you and your husband are doing well. It's so good to hear.

God bless.

Amber said...

I zipped on over here and checked out your blog....

Your boys are beautiful. Nothing like boys, huh? Wouldn't trade them for all the hair bows and tea parties in the world!

Love that picture on you header!!

Jess said...

Love the pics!!! Especially love the one with you and Colin... what a hunk :)

Anonymous said...

aww. i love those pictures. They are so handsome!